taking a run down marathon lane – #2.

As I mentioned the other day, I’m looking ahead to my goal of completing 50 marathons by the age of 50, making my plan, giving myself pep talks, and air high-fiving myself at the end of my training runs.

I thought it would be a good idea to analyze my special brand of crazy take a look at how I got here.

So here’s a little story about


June 6, 2004
Rock n’ Roll Marathon
San Diego, California

I ran this marathon with a colleague/friend of mine and her mom (it was the first marathon for both of them). Since all 3 of us were running, we don’t have any photo proof of us ACTUALLY running the race, and also, I never buy the race pictures that are taken because 100% of the time my beet-red face looks like it is about to self-combust, or I am about to die, or both.

For the sake of argument, let’s just say this is me, crossing the finish line in first place:

Alright, it’s not REALLY me, but I like to pretend in my head that there’s a ribbon I’m triumphantly breaking through, to the sound of a cheering audience. But, this photo is partially accurate, because my hair ALWAYS look that good after running 26.2 miles.*

*Disclaimer: totally false.

OK, let’s move on. Here’s a shot of San Diego, looking pretty much nothing like it did on the course. If your curious minds want a really thorough and entertaining account of the actual course and event, head over to this great blog.

That gal is one of my very favorites on the interweb, and while I may or may not border on slightly stalkerish when it comes to being a follower, it was a total coincidence that we both posted on the same marathon on the same day.*

*Disclaimer: Skinny Runner, if you’re reading this, I promise that you will not find any boiled rabbits on your doorstep.

For the most part, the run itself was just “meh”. Not earth-shattering, or particularly interesting. BUT, it was a great feeling as always to FINISH and to not be a “newbie”. It was nice to know what to expect. Like when the chaffing would start, and which toes are blister-prone. That sort of thing.

Also, nailing an exact-to-the-second finish time is the stuff of dreams for a Type-A personality with a healthy dose of neuroses.

I’d say the most challenging part of the experience was enduring the massage I’d booked for the next day. Not because I was sore (I was) but because this lily-white Pacific Northwesterner overlooked the SPF and was lobster-baked after exactly 4:30:00 hours in the Southern Cali sun.

In summary, I managed to cross “Drink a margarita, poolside” off my to-do list today.

What are you up to? I’d love to hear from you!

20 thoughts on “taking a run down marathon lane – #2.

  1. Do you know I am from San Diego? Second Generation Native. There are only like 5 of us in the entire city. I drank two dirty vodka martini’s pugent sound side this evening (at The Pub). Cheers!

  2. I remember THAT marathon (my first…and last) like it was yesterday. Glad I could participate in one of your 50 with you! I like your idea of running 50 before 50…..as opposed to my goal of running one AFTER 50! Good luck with your remaining 43, Melisa!

  3. I just read Skinny Runner’s race recap – this event looks like so much fun! I’d love to do the Rock n’ Roll Las Vegas run, but I’d probably stick to the half – I don’t know where I could train for that kind of heat here, unless I manage to convince my gym to move a treadmill into the sauna 😉

    50 before 50 is such a great challenge 🙂

  4. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there!!! Especially to John/son and I know you know how I LOVE that you make my girls so happy and well cared for…sigh…life is good!

  5. What I’m up to is relaxing with my coffee and watching Misile stare out the window and then look at me once in awhile wondering “when is she going to get off her lazy butt, get dressed and take me for a walk?” Which is kind of spooky bc I am wondering the exact thing!
    Hope you all are having a super fun getaway…. XOXO Mom

  6. Fun stuff. Bright and sunny on my morning run next to the water here, not quite San Diego though.

    Skinny Runner: with regards to the rabbit you are safe there, but I’d watch out for chickens.

    Love to my two beautiful ladies.

    • Ha ha! Thanks! I’m sure my blog is about to get shut down due to copyright infringement. I have no clue what I’m doing! Waaay out of my league. For example, do you get a notification in your email that I commented on your comment?

      • I do get email notifications. I’m waiting to be shut down too, I think most bloggers are. Feel free to email me if you have questions I may or probably won’t be able to answer! readysetfeast@gmail.com

  7. Pingback: taking a run down marathon lane – #3: IRONMAN EDITION!! | just begin from here.

  8. Pingback: taking a run down marathon lane – #4 | just begin from here.

  9. Pingback: taking a run down marathon lane – #5 | just begin from here.

  10. Pingback: taking a run down marathon lane – #6: THE PR EDITION!!! | just begin from here.

  11. Pingback: taking a run down marathon lane – #7 | just begin from here.

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